РаспадФильм о чернобыльской катастрофе (СССР, США, 1990, Драма)

74 Просмотры
год 1990
страна СССР, США
режиссер Михаил Беликов
сценарий Михаил Беликов, Олег Приходько
директор фильма Михаил Костюковский
оператор Василий Трушковский
композитор Игорь Стецюк
художник Василий Заруба
жанр драма
В главных ролях:
Сергей Шакуров
Татьяна Кочемасова
Станислав Станкевич
Георгий Дрозд
Алексей Серебряков
Марина Могилевская
Алексей Горбунов
Анатолий Грошевой
Наталья Плахотнюк
Валерий Шептекита

25 апреля 1986 года. Журналист Александр Журавлев возвращается в родной Киев, в море привычных семейных проблем и профессиональных неурядиц. Он не знает, что уже завтра его жизнь и жизнь всех, кто ему дорог, изменится навсегда.
Масштабы взрыва на Чернобыльской АЭС тщательно скрывают, но постепенно людей, охваченных праздничным настроением, накрывает мрачное облако паники и страха. Произошло нечто ужасное, и Александр пытается проникнуть за завесу тайны, но сейчас он, как и многие тысячи людей, лишь беспомощный свидетель катастрофы, жертва лжи и хладнокровного молчания…

year 1990
country of the USSR, USA
director Mikhail Belikov
script Mikhail Belikov, Oleg Prikhodko
director of the film Mikhail Kostyukovsky
operator Vasily Trushkovsky
composer Igor Stetsyuk
artist Vasily Zaruba
genre drama
Sergey Shakurov
Tatyana Kochemasova
Stanislav Stankevich
George Drozd
Alexey Serebryakov
Marina Mogilevskaya
Alexey Gorbunov
Anatoly Grosheva
Natalya Plahotniuc
Valery Sheptekita

April 25, 1986. Journalist Alexander Zhuravlev returns to his native Kiev, in a sea of ​​familiar family problems and professional troubles. He does not know that tomorrow his life and the life of all who are dear to him will change forever.
The scale of the explosion at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant is carefully concealed, but gradually people covered in a festive mood cover a gloomy cloud of panic and fear. Something terrible has happened, and Alexander is trying to penetrate the veil of secrecy, but now he, like many thousands of people, is only a helpless witness to the disaster, a victim of lies and cold-blooded silence ...

Do you know that...
In the wake of the warming of relations between the USSR and the USA, American director James Cameron was invited to make a film for the exchange of experience, who was delighted with the work of the film crew.

“Disintegration” for me is something more than a film about a man-made disaster. The accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant - a screen that hides the collapse of the individual, person, society and the state. As a molecule, people broke up into cynics (government, evacuating their loved ones) and virtues, who simply tried to help people by putting a cross on themselves. (Friends of Zhuravlev).
The accident became a symbol of change, a path to purification, such as for the hero Shakurov. Who considers himself the same culprit of the unfolding events in society, in the country: “Everyone is to blame for what is happening. And including me. ” (Another time symbol appears - cycle race on TV). Therefore, he needed this trip as a volunteer to clean up the territories from the consequences of the accident. This is a symbol of the return of the “human face”: “Only by experiencing what we have experienced can you regain the human face and become a normal person.” And the final dialogue between Zhuravlev and his wife causes concern that more than one Chernobyl NPP will occur if we forget about how to be, a normal person.
As for the “picture”, then for 1990 and a modest budget - this is a masterpiece, the feeling that I was at the scene of the accident, took part in this turmoil of events. (Also, the film uses footage from a real Pripyat of ~ 90 years old, i.e. when this place was still like a city).
Фильмы катастрофы
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