4 UFO Night Vision Clips - 2 UFO Fleets, 2 Fast Moving with Trajectory Changes

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#UFO #UFOS #UFOsightings #OVNI #OVNIS #ufosworldwide

Today's my birthday, so this will be the only UFO post I do today. I included four clips into this video. I am pretty awe inspired by the night vision capture some people I know are doing. The two fleet videos, I'm 50/50 on. They very well could be a flying V of geese. They do break up when the laser is pointed on them, however I am 50/50 on it, it could also be a fleet of orbs or something else I have yet to consider. Flying V lights are often also reported as Tr3B but you can clearly see them break away instead of staying in a V shape.

Happy Turkey Day to my fellow Canadians


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